Sensei Dino Ianerio began martial arts over 49 years ago, with Sensei Montey Guest, who was one of the first students with Sensei Tsuroka. Sensei Tsuroka established Chito-ryu karate in Canada in 1958 and soon after was considered the father of Canadian Karate.
Sensei Dino began his martial arts career in 1969, Since then he was the founder for Black Tiger Karate in the ’80s and adapted into Shotokan Karate. He also studied with many other great instructors during his Martial Arts path e.g. 1983’ studied Hapkido & Tangsudo (older version of Taekwondo) instructed by Grand Master Kee Ta Chung, Jujutsu, Kali, Tai Boxing, traditional Japanese weapons, traditional marital & non-marital art weapons.
Sensei Ianiero has provided seminars in various settings, including other martial arts clubs, Canadian military, fitness clubs, public schools, corporate airlines, and other major companies, meanwhile, he has been a great role model to many generations in the community and students.